Free Scented Candle from The Scent Spot! may earn a small commission via affiliate links in this post. Learn More sometimes partners with brands, which may result in us receiving a small commission. This revenue helps sustain our website at no additional cost to you. These partnerships also allow us to bring you exclusive deals and free samples. While we do not earn money from every post, we are legally required to include this disclaimer on all our content. Read more about this here.

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Run over and request a free candle sample from The Scent Spot! Available only while supplies last! Wait not so fast! Keep reading!


We waited to post this one because the website they are using to collect emails is a webpage builder and we thought it was fishy. Also, we found out more information about this “free candle” theres more than meets the eye.

It’s actually a giveaway freebie meaning not everyone will get a free candle! I see so many other freebie sites posting this one like it’s a free sample and it is misleading and deceptive! If you are an editor for another website please fix this! I found the original posting which you can read below. 👇

I don’t know much about this brand of candles but i wanted to clarify the misinformation going around so everyone knows it’s not an actual freebie everyone will get.

Remember we don’t send out free samples or anything we just find them because we genuinely enjoy finding free samples, deals, coupons and all that because we like them. We post them on our website for you all, we don’t just share junk. We appreciate our visitors and do our best to protect you all from spam or anything so we verify everything we post. I wish other websites or places would do the same thing but not everyone cares.

Either way if you would like to enter go ahead and enter in below.👇


NOTE: This offer was valid at the time it was posted. If it is not longer available please leave a comment below.

We posted this on Jun 10, 2024 1:48 pm (34 weeks ago).

This Post Was Filed Under:  Sweepstakes

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