Get FREE Greyhound tickets back home for runaways, homeless, and exploited youth may earn a small commission via affiliate links in this post. Learn More sometimes partners with brands, which may result in us receiving a small commission. This revenue helps sustain our website at no additional cost to you. These partnerships also allow us to bring you exclusive deals and free samples. While we do not earn money from every post, we are legally required to include this disclaimer on all our content. Read more about this here.

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This is something good to share for runaway children. Did not know this was even a thing but it seems like something worth sharing, so please do the same to help someone who might need it.

Greyhound Lines in partnership with National Runaway Safeline provides runaway kids between 12 and 21 years with a free bus ticket back home to their families or legal guardians.

Get Free Greyhound Tickets Back Home For Runaways, Homeless, And Exploited Youth – Topsave

How does it work?

To be eligible, the child has to call the NRS helpline at 1-800-RUNAWAY.

They must also be named on a runaway report and be willing to be reunited with their family (and vice versa).

If the young person returning home is under the age of 15, Home Free will also provide a free ticket for the parent or legal guardian.

Home Free can only be used on two occasions by the same person.

If you or someone you know has run away and wants to come home or you need some help, please call toll-free 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929). To find out more about National Runaway Safeline, visit

What is Home Free Program?

Home Free program, is a partnership with the National Runaway Safeline, and is the only national transportation and reunification program supporting at-risk-youth. They provide runaway, homeless, and exploited youth ages 12 to 21 with a free bus ticket to get to a parent, legal guardian, or alternative safe living arrangement.

You can read more about the program at:

NOTE: This offer was valid at the time it was posted. If it is not longer available please leave a comment below.

We posted this on Dec 29, 2024 10:20 pm (5 weeks ago).

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