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Possible Free $10 Off Fandango + $10 Fandango Home Offer for Verizon Rewards Members

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If you’re a Verizon Rewards Up member, check your app! You may have an offer for $10 off Fandangoand $10 off Fandango Home.
How to Check for the Offer
1. Download or openthe Verizon Rewardsapp:
2. Go to the Available Rewardssection.
3. Look for the $10 Fandango + $10 Fandango Homeoffer.
4. Claim the reward and enjoy discounted movie tickets or rentals!
Offer Details
• Available to Verizon Rewards Upmembers only.
• Offer may vary by account.
• Can be used for Fandango movie ticketsand Fandango Home rentals.
Don’t miss this chance to enjoy your next movie night on a discount! 🎬✨
This Post Was Filed Under: Freebies
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